Saturday, July 25, 2009

Personal Disability Insurance

Individual disability insurance is truly a basic concept. It is an insurance product designed to replace anywhere from 45-60% of your gross income on a tax-free basis should a sickness or illness prevent you from earning an income in your occupation. Every disability insurance policy from every insurance company is very different, this is not a product to simply shop for the most competitive rate. To buy the cheapest disability insurance policy on the market is to throw money away. The odds of getting paid a monthly benefit under a cheap contract may be significantly lower than receiving benefits from a quality contract. The goal of this site is to provide you with a resource to make an educated decision on your own. I will provide you with information regarding the major features of a disability insurance policy so that you may better understand how to read a disability insurance policy. I will also provide you with links to some third party articles, and links to the best disability insurance sites I have found on the internet to obtain quotes.

All of the information on this web site is truly geared towards white collar occupations. Individual disability insurance for blue collar occupations is attainable through some carriers, however most of the carriers and contracts discussed on this web site do not specialize in providing coverage to blue collar occupations

1 comment:

  1. Disability insurance is an absolute necessity in today's world. It not only covers us for injuries, but it also protects us from the risk of bearing severe injuries. Under circumstances that we're forced to stay out of work following an injury, disability insurance pays us on the basis of our wages drawn over a period of time.
